Our Internal Medicine Categorical Residency Program is designed to provide broad training in both in- and outpatient general internal medicine as well as across the medicine subspecialties.
Residents are given progressive responsibility to deliver patient care across our three unique hospital sites: George Washington University Hospital, the Washington DC Veterans Affairs Medical Center and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Center (NIAID).
Please see the Clinical Sites and Schedule tabs for more information about our clinical training.
When you leave our program, you will be a well-trained general internist! Our graduates go on to have successful careers in medicine subspecialties, primary care, hospital medicine, medical education, health policy, public health, and research.
Formal Educational Conferences:
Academic Half-Day: Protected time with no pagers (!) led by the chief medical residents and invited faculty. Interns and Residents sessions are separate to allow for targeted learning based on PGY level/
Resident Report: Focus on sharpening critical thinking skills and patient management. One morning report per week focuses on board exam preparation.
Ambulatory Week Education Half-Day: One half-day during each ambulatory week. Faculty and residents lead sessions on a variety of subjects including physical examination skills, public health, teaching skills, communication and patient care skills, and clinical medical information relevant to outpatient internal medicine.
Quality Improvement & High Value Care Half-Day: One half-day during each ambulatory week. A combination of self-directed online learning and faculty-led seminars on topics pertinent to quality improvement and high quality care. Faculty also mentor residents to design and implement their own quality improvement project in PGY-2 year.
Patient Safety Conference: With faculty guidance, every PGY3 leads a patient safety conference as a culminating activity using the knowledge and skills gained from participation in our QI curriculum. Patient Safety Conference is a multidisciplinary conference focused on improving patient outcomes through reflective practice.
Grand Rounds: Every Thursday at noon on various topics, attended by all faculty and housestaff.
Chair's rounds: Every PGY3 gives a grand rounds-like presentation on a topic of their choosing, which they research extensively. Residents receive faculty mentorship in preparing the presentation and receive feedback on their presentation skills.
Journal Club: PGY2s lead a Journal Club discussion using articles pre-selected for our Evidence-Based Medicine curriculum. Residents receive faculty mentorship in preparing the presentation.
Clinical Pathology Conference: PGY2s lead a CPC with guidance from specialist faculty and input from our pathology department. Residents receive feedback on their presentation skills.
In the interest of space, we won’t provide an exhaustive list, but our residents participate in a wide variety of elective rotations!
Just some of these include rotations on inpatient consultative and outpatient medical subspecialties at GW Hospital and the VA, dermatology, neurology, otorhinolaryngology, ophthalmology, weight management/bariatric surgery, palliative care, addiction medicine, Antibiotic stewardship, bedside ultrasound, NIH and other research electives, Health Policy elective, Evidence-Based Medicine elective, Medical Education elective, Medical Journalism-ABC News Elective, and international rotations.
Residents are also encouraged to design their own electives that are consistent with their career goals. Recent examples have been a Hospital Administration elective and participation in an Aerospace Medicine course.