Many of our residents recognize community engagement is integral to improving the health of our patients and our residency program seeks to foster and support these activities. While individual residents are involved in various ways on their own, we are intentional about engaging our community members in aspects of our educational program and clinical operations. In addition, our House Officer Council chooses a philanthropic cause to support annually such as raising money for refugee families new to the area and providing supplies for community members experiencing homelessness.
Here are some additional activities available to our residents:
- Charity 5K runs
Some local runs in which our residents and faculty participate include the HEEL to HEAL 5K to raise money for the HEALing clinic, Walk to End HIV 5K to raise money for Whitman-Walker Health, Out of the Darkness Walks for Suicide Prevention with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and the Scope It Out 5K to raise colon cancer awareness.
- Project Medishare
Since 2004, the GW School of Medicine and Health Sciences has partnered with Project Medishare, a nonprofit organization that provides healthcare in central Haiti. Twice per year, GW sends a team of providers including physicians, residents, medical students, public health, physician assistant and nursing students, to provide care for one week in the very resource-poor setting of Haiti’s central plateau, an area largely lacking public health infrastructure.